Tags: Maui Leadership Training – Men’s Work Maui – Maui Leadership Group
We offer both an online program and in person retreat, The Passage, and a deeper journey into leadership and life mastery, The Voyage. We create a container in which we are supported and encouraged to dive into the depths of ourselves, bringing our shadows and sufferings to the surface, to the light, so that, in their healing, what were once our limitations are transformed into our most potent gifts to share with the world and through which we manifest our most vibrant lives.
The Threshold is an experiential and transformative five day retreat for men committed to clarity, purpose & integration.
The Intention: Release, Renew, Recommit
As we close 2021, we arrive at the threshold of a new horizon, with a year behind us, full of shifts, experiences and the seeds of new beginnings.
The Passage is a 10-week online powerhouse program that will initiate a transformational process of discovery and cultivation. More than just a course this is a journey that will empower navigators from the inside out with new tools and perspectives to Thrive in Life and Relationship.
Coming Soon
The Voyage is a year long mentorship and training program for emerging leaders, offered to those who have first completed The Passage, and are ready to integrate further as a Navigator. The Voyage will bring to surface what might normally be hidden or avoided, resulting in a complete overhaul of behaviors and tools. Prepare to voyage out of your comfort zone and into new horizons.